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Those idiots just stare,

@ 2A.09.MSS.bs.com

Friday, February 27, 2009

Hi hi ppl :DD
yj here..
gosh.. i am very unlucky 2 dae...
first of all..
ehh wat happen..
wait i nid a flash back..
*tink tink tink tink*
*head explode*
oh ya!!
i forgotten 2 bring my key!!
wtf.. then kana locked outside my own damn stupid house
stupid rite!
then i juz got in a few mins ago
i phoned my father where the heck is he
at about 8 or smth lolx
then he was like me ar i at jurong east eating dinnner wif frenz
then i was like wtf!
i nid 2 go 2 the damn toliet!!!!
so.. poor lil me.. hahax
from 5pm till 10 pm cannot get into my freaking house
and can't use the toliet from 5-10 pm..
gosh tat was the most terrible hours of my life..
if u wanna play prank by taking one's key..
i say..
don't the poor o' person will haf 2 stand outside the damn stupid house
and wait like shit till dey can get in their damn house
then after a few min we got in my stupid mom return..
=.- ya end of storie...
views discription advise..
and pls!! DO NO TRY TIS AT HOME!!

i know... ppl juz hate me... ppl hu i least expect 2 hate me... dey actually do... i hate some ppl.. . but now.. im in no position 2 do so...im imperfect... ppl i treat specially actually hate me... i tink euu noe hu im tokin bout...i tink euu noe hu euu r... i olwayz treated euu specially... bt euu hate me... i cnt help it... ppl hu noe me well enuf shud recognize my style of writing...

- The Hated One

hi im A bit crazy today.........


Monday, February 23, 2009

hey hey yo yo ppl ^^
Y.J here weee~~
come on peeps post hahax
its so fun 2 read posts..
>.< and i am so damn freaking bored..
i've sang my elmo's world
i've talked 2 the wall
i've shitted
and now i got nothing better 2 do...
geez life is so damn boring..
i wish i can retire at the age of 40
and die at the age of 60 ^^
weeee... yes i juz wanna waste my life away..
and my money is draining away from me like a tap..
sheesh.. wats rong wif me TT
well.. nothing much..
yes yes i know i spend a lot..
ani 1 wanna sponser me?
ani 1?? hmm?? no 1??
oh well.. sad bleh~~~
and gosh stupid homework is killing me...
i haf no idea wat is happening in class..
science lesson = hibernating
maths lesson = hanging
english lesson = lagging
chinese lesson = gaming
other lessons = shutting down..
at the end of the day = WEEE~~~~ school's out!!
and once again thank u for letting me waste ur time
by reading my rubbish post
ok saiyounara peeps~~
remember! retire at the age of 40 and lets all go travelling
lolx ani way, bleh~~
teehee. :DD

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'm JingEr.
Below msg is for Jafri.
I can forgive you for playing prank on me like this.
But I really can't believe you using that person name asking me for some personal things.
Why can't you actually ask me??
You must be thinking that I will not tell you.
But you claimed that you are my son.
Why can't a mother share her secrets with her son?!
I remember I did told you who I like before th last time.
Why can't you try to ask from me again?!
Is it so difficult?!!
And you did not even tried to ask!
I'm quite disappointed.
I'm still thinking of whether I should forgive you or not.
And I think should end here.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hey hey ppl Y.J here ^^
weee.. gosh i'm bored...
my life sux!!
reality sux TT
ani way.. march got camp
weeee wee wee wee
>.> can't wait arld help me TT
ehhh..... shit i've forgotten wat i am ganna say..
short- term memory
oh yah!! i am here 2 complain!!
goood good
ok tis is a complain against homework
u c teachers aways scold us for not handing in our homework rite?!
don sae left.. >.<
ani way... u c there is 360 dayz in a year rite?!
don sae left >.<
and then we use half of the time sleeping.
360 divided by 2
we left wif.. ehh wait gif me a sec finding calculator
ok! we left wif 180 days
ok we at lease nid 3 months of fun rite?
so 3 x 30
we left wif 90 days
ok then we haf 2 groom our self
comb hair blah..
tat nid at lease 10 days of time if we add it up
so we onli left 80 days
but..... cca over time
ok maybe cca ehh add up 60 days
so we left wif 20 days for homework?
maybe not! outside school activites..
maybe 10 days a year if we add it up rite?!
don sae left >.<
so we left wif 10 days
10 days for homework??? no.. i don't tink so..
we still haf 2 take a lil' break once in a while slake a lil.
maybe like 3 days
so we left 7 days for homework..
and yes 2 days 2 hear our parents nagg at us..
and 3 days for a nap at lease we haf 2 wake up so earily rite?!
yes... so,... teachers u can't blame us for not doing homework
our time is so packed..
teachers muz be more understanding
if dey don gif homework our life will be so much better rite?!
yuppo.. ok enough crappy things for me
saiyounara >.<
loves from lala :D

hey people , february coming to and end alr . time really flies but better still coz there's gonna be a camp soon . and and i'm so fucking happy . i bet the tym we will be spending there is gonna be so much fun . i just hope that e grls would not be separated from e guys but i suppose they are gonna separate us . but no harm in hoping though . LOL , but i can't really tell why the hell must they separate a class . anyway , everyone's looking forward to e camp i suppose ? haha , me too . and ohh ohh , i hope the teachers are not gonna have a mass body check or a bag check . they sure gonna confiscate our phones . LOL , haha am lost for word already . okayy , will be back to blog again . and and one more thing , i wanna thank CHINGEK for making another blog for 2A , replacing e old one which got hacked . ohhhh yeah , anisah here by the way . teehee

with lots of love,
anisah (:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hello people, one month from now is... "ChinGay's Parade",
if you ever understand what I meant. (; Today is 20th February.
I'm looking forward to one month's time, *cheers + grinning. Hehe.
There will be a class outing on this day, as to celebrate the Marchie Babies,
namely YiJun (11th), Kizuko (20th), JingEr (23rd). The focus is not on me, it's just that,
Only 20th falls on the march holidays, so we decided it should be held on that day.
It's a Friday particularly. I hope most of you will attend. As for what to do & stuffs like that,
we haven't thought about it yet, and we do welcome suggestions. Heh. (;
So, practically, I've 'booked/reserved' you guys in advance, so I hope there'll be no excuses,
of not coming. HEH. There's no need to buy presents or anything, just bring yourself.
But if you guys want to give, we also don't mind lah uh, HAHAHAH XD.
So typical, yes. Probably, the least, we do wish to have a birthday cake. Lol. We'll get ourselves,
if the need arises. Yup, so on so for, we still have a month's time to go, just to let you know.
But before that, I think everyone can't wait to go for the camp during IBMC week aye?
We're going out next weekend to get the things for the camp,
you guys may wanna tag along, if you wanna. Yup :D
So long for now.


SADDED....sorry mummy.... regret.... plz 4giv mie.... im begging.....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

hi hi yijun here ^^
ehh sowwie i juz came here 2 crap bout' my life
yes my life sux
and science atoms and molecules is still killing me
up till now i still don get it >.>

i am dying soon..
pls bring disco ball 2 my funeral
and bring spider lilys as well
i love spider lilys
and ps:
ehh... pls stop spreading the stupid fake rumour
who ever u r..
>.> TT i wanna cry TT
^.^ teeheeeheeeeeeee~~

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Alright, for the photos galore, everybody has been anticipating about...
Some totally unglam photos too...
John's photos are extremely too much, that it eats up my sleeping time...
Ended posting at 11.43pm.

Those idiots,
MPSS' 2A.09 ,
Our laughs are limitless,
our memories are countless,
and our friendship is countless.
Bond together by fate,
settled in this class.
Come from all over the world,
we try to understand one another.
We can be immature idiots at times.
We respect our teachers,
we learnt from our mistakes.
This is what we are.
MPSS'2A.09 ♥.

1' Anis
2' Anisah
3' Shabana
4' JingEr
5' Famita
6' Fionna
7' MonSan
8' YiJun
9' Nattakarn
10' ChunHui
11' Eunice
12' LiJuan
13' Sucheera
14' Shahanaz
15' Sheena
16' Syakila
17' JiaLin
18' HweeBoon
19' KaySin
20' KaiXun
21' SohWei
22' ChinGek
23' ZhiWen
24' Jansen
25' John
26' Jonathan
27' NeeKong
28' JiaWei
29' WeiGuang
30' Jeffrey
31' Moses
32' Jafri
33' Ruzaini
34' TaeSun
35' Tharindu
36' Zainul
37' Sirinthra
38' Erwin
39' Eric

Updated since : 16/01/09

CMC Members
ChinGek- Chairman
JingEr- Vice-Chair
Anisah- Secretary
SohWei- Treasurer

Grateful to,
Teachers of 2009.

Form Teacher: Mdm Kavitha
Co-Form Teacher: Mrs Fawzie
English: Mrs Kimberly Cheng
Maths: Mrs Chan
Chinese: Ms Long
Science: Mrs Lim-Ng
History: Ms Rachel Ong
Geography: Mr Patrick Teo
Music: Mrs Fawzie
Art: Mdm Kavitha. (Mr Ivan Lee)
Home Econ: Ms Moey
D&T: Mr Sunny Wee
PE: Mr Riffaii
